Cancellation Policy


The purpose of this cancellation policy is to provide clear guidelines for our clients regarding the cancellation or rescheduling of appointments. This allows us to manage our schedules efficiently and accommodate as many clients as possible.


  1. Rescheduling Appointments: Clients who need to reschedule their appointment are requested to inform us at least 24 hours prior to their scheduled appointment time.

  2. Late Cancellations: If a client cancels their appointment less than 24 hours before the scheduled time, a late cancellation fee will be applied.

    • The late cancellation fee will be equal to 50% of the deposit made at the time of booking.

    • This fee applies because late cancellations do not provide us with sufficient time to fill the vacated slot, resulting in a loss for our business.

  3. Notification of Cancellation or Rescheduling: Clients can notify us of their intent to cancel or reschedule their appointment by phone, email, or through our online booking system, if available.

  4. No-shows: If a client does not show up for their scheduled appointment without any prior notice, they will be charged the full amount of the service booked.

  5. Late Arrivals: If a client arrives late for their scheduled appointment, we may not be able to extend their service time if it impacts subsequent appointments. Late arrivals may result in a shortened appointment or rescheduling, with the late cancellation fee applied.

This cancellation policy allows us to maintain a smooth operation and ensure that we can serve all of our clients effectively. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.